(CZ) Jedna z cest zvědečtění metodiky ruského jazyka
(EN) One of the Ways of Making the Method of Teaching the Russian Language More Scientific
Autor / Author: Malíř, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The teaching of Russian can be approached from different aspects. This article deals with this process from the viewpoint of the methodological task. This term is used to describe a pattern of the following type: what is given is the language material the pupils are to learn (e. g. a text of a certain kind, a certain number of new words and the like). It is necessary to find the methodological algorithm of the given task, i. e. such a solution (such sequence of methodological operations or steps) as would lead to the optimum fulfilment of the given task (e. g. mastering the given vocabulary Methodological algorithms are expressed in the form of symbols denoting linguistic phenomena (s = word, t = text), the teacher’s work (M = the teacher speaks) and the pupils’ work (m = the pupils speak). An example is given of the methodological task typical of the 6th grade ( = 3rd year of Russian language teaching) and its methodological algorithm. It must be pointed out that the algorithm quoted is just a hypothesis which must be verified, because there is no experimental material.
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