(CZ) ICT v rukou českých učitelů
(EN) ITC in the Hands of Czech Teachers
Autor / Author: Šeďová, K., Zounek, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: ICT, učitelé, vyučování, didaktická funkce, efekty použití ICT
ICT, teachers, teaching, class, methodologicalfunction, effects ofICT use
Studie představuje jeden z výstupů první fáze výzkumného projektu Informační a komunikační technologie v každodenní práci učitele. Autoři prezentují výsledky kvalitativního výzkumného šetření zaměřeného na otázku, jakým způsobem používají učitelé českých základních škol ve své práci informační a komunikační technologie. Analýza hloubkových rozhovorů s učiteli a v ideonahrávek jejich vyučovacích hodin se koncentruje především na rozkrytí didaktických funkcí, které technologie ve vyučování plní, a na postižení dalších významných efektů, jež nasazení ICT do výuky vyvolává.
The study represents one of the key outputs of the research project ICT in the Everyday Practice of the Teacher (the research is supported by the CR Grant Agency, Grant No. 406/06/1022). The empirical survey which forms the core of this project is designed as qualitatively quantitative and is divided into two basic phases. The first phase is qualitative, with the aim of inductively creating a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon under investigation. The second phase is quantitative, its basic instrument being a questionnaire survey of teachers at basic (elementary) schools in one region of the Czech Republic.
In the article the authors focus on one of the themes that emerged as crucial in the qualitative phase of the research: the didactic function that ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) fulfils in teaching, and the effects that the use of the technology produces at the didactic level. In their analyses the authors then use data from the set of 14 in-depth interviews with teachers and 21 video-studies of lessons made at three different schools. Both types of data were analysed using Atlas.ti. 5.0 software for the analysis of qualitative data.
Our data shows that respondents work with ICT in various different ways. An original typology of educational uses of ICT is presented and described in the text. In further parts of the article the authors consider the effects of the didactic use of ICT. The technologies concerned can provide the teacher with an unprecedented degree of autonomy - for example the teacher can create his own teaching materials. On the other hand the technology can entirely determine the content of a lesson - interpreting the material, testing the pupils and even offering them „breathing space“ activities. In the final section of the text the authors explain changes in the role of the teacher (described as the new role of the teacher as partner and mediator) and in the social dynamics (the forms of relations developing among the pupils) in classes were ICT methods and resources are used.
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