(CZ) Skupinové vyučování v západní pedagogice jako jeden z prostředků aktivizace žáků
(EN) Group Instruction in Western Pedagogy as One of the Means of Raising Pupil’s Activity
Autor / Author: Skalková-Procházková, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The efforts to introduce group instruction into present day educational practice will not be successful unless they are based on a sound theoretical analysis. The author makes a comparative analysis of how the problems involved have been tackled by foremost Western educationists, especially in the period after World War II. In doing so, she is trying to maintain the unity of the logical and the historical point of view, she singles out the principal theoretical problems and follows their modifications brought about by a concrete social function. In her critical evaluation she picks out the main features which might be stimulating for the work of the Czechoslovak school. In conclusion, she points out some experimentally verified findings brought by Polish educational literature.
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