(CZ) K pedagogickej a psychologickej přípravě učitelov
(EN) To the educational and psychological teachers’ preparation
Autor / Author: Pastier, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: Pedagogickopsychologická příprava, integrácia ved, vzdelávanie učitelov. tendencie vývoje pedagogiky, renesance pedagogiky
Zvýraznenie významu pedagogickopsychologickej přípravy učitelov a gradácii didaktiky a renesancii pedagogickej teórie.
The tributarity of the educational theory of the totalitarian power introducesas its consequence-the indiscreditation of the educational and psychological compounds of the teachers’ education. In the conditions of a democratic society the pedagogics is giving to and the teachers’ education. In the conditions of a democratic society the pedagogics is giving to and the teachers’ training in the vocational, methodological and educational, fields are becoming significant, their significance is increasing. The contents of the educational and psychological compounds were deformed, and that especially by the noncritical emphasizing of the communist and atheist education as well as by neglecting the didactics. The didactics, the comparative educational science, the integrating tendencies of sciences will contribute to a better quality even of the educational and psychological teachers’ preparation.
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