(CZ) Termín didaktika: jeho pôvod, výskyt a významy
(EN) The term „didactics“, its origin, occurrance and meanings
Autor / Author: Švec, Š.
Klíčová slova / Key words: didaktika ako pedagogický termín, etymológia termínu didaktika, lexika termínu didaktika, sémantika termínu didaktika, jazykovozemepisný kontext pojmu didaktiky, anglické ekvivalenty poftatí didaktiky, tradicie vednej kultúry v pedagogike
Zámerom článku je prispieť k hlbSiemu pochopeniu používania termínu didaktika. Po zmienke o póvodnom Komenského a súčasnom všeobecnom etymologickom rozbore tohto termínu sa predkladajú výsledky čiastkového literárneho prieskumu zemepisného výskytu jeho lexiky a sémantiky.
The aim of this article is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the use of the term „the didactics“. After mentioning the original Komenský’s ethymological analysis of the term, and the contemporary one, results of a partial literary research of the geographical occurrence of its lexica and semantics are presented. Its lexical productivity and semantic variety as well as its conceptional contradiction and the lack of its international name unity are being found out. It is pointed here at that above all these language-geographical different philosophically-scientific differences in using the term „didactics“ are deeply anchored in different philosophically- methodological traditions of the scientific cultures (the Continental Europian on one side, and the Anglo-American area on the other side). A more detailed explanation of this term will, however, be made possible by an analytical research of the historical as well as contemporary understanding of the didactics as a theory, science, technology or an art-or a opposite of the heuristics.
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