(CZ) K aktuálnym problémom riadenia výchovy a vzdelávania v nových spoločenských podmienkach
(EN) To the topical problems of managing the education under new social conditions
Autor / Author: Obdržálek, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words: riadenie výchovy a vzdelávania, ekonomika a riadenie škol, regulácia činnosti škol, školská inspekcia, riadenie činnosti učiteFov a ich přípravy
V článku sú analyzované a hodnotené nové přístupy, ktoré je aktuálně uplatňovať při riadení výchovy a vzdelávania v podmienkach, do ktorých vstúpila po revolúcii, po novembri 1989, česko-slovenská spoločnosť.
In his study the author analyzes and evaluates new principles which will be necessarily applied under new conditions entered after the revolution by the Czechoslovak society. In the introduction he deals with problems and difficulties which outlasted in Czechoslovakia in the last decades and reasons about the way those problems and difficulties were reflected in the field of education and its control. Attention is paid to the relation of economics and the market of work to the control of education, the author analyzes the new relation of the state to the educational institutions in a new situation, notices the way the control of the educational system has to respond by creating greater riches of educational forms which replies to the flexibility of the economic and social evolution. Further on the author pays attention to the Czechoslovak system of managing institutions which influence the education, and analyzes and evaluates the regulation of the activities of schools through suveying the schools and the system of examinations as well as the managing of the teachers’ activities and their preparation as the key-element of managing the whole educational system.
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