(CZ) K účasti hnutí punk a skinheads na konfliktech s rasistickým podtextem
(EN) To the participation of the punk and the skinheads movements in the conflicts with a hidden racist meaning
Autor / Author: Tomin, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: K účasti hnutí punk a skinheads na konfliktech s rasistickým podtextem
Studie se zabývá nebezpečím konfliktů s rasistickým podtextem mezi „bílými“ občany na straně jedné a Romy či Vietnamci na straně druhé. Ke zvýšenému výskytu těchto konfliktů dochází v ČSFR zejména od počátku roku 1990. Studie informuje o účasti příslušníků hnutí skinheads a punk na těchto konfliktech a o některých výsledcích průzkumu Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci na toto téma.
In the last year a number of social conflicts of a rasist character occured in the CSFR, these conflicts having been dealt with by the Institute for the Criminology and the Social Prevention, in 1990 a research as carried out in this field by that Institute. In this study some results of the research concerning characteristic specifics of the Punk and Skinheads Movements are presented as well as the participation of both those movements members in the conflicts mentioned above. In these connections the members of the movement Skinheads and Punks are often mingeled Or the Punks are commuted for the Skinheads and vice versa in spite of the fact that their ideologies are rather different which is also reflexed in their participation in those conflicts. The movement Punk is not racist-only a very small part of it-called „racipunks“, takes part in the conflicts of that kind together with the Skinheads Movement members who often iniciate the conflicts of a racist character. It is necessary to consider different illegal racist organizations more dangerous that the hitherto Skinheads’ activities; the same dangerous are the spontaneous activities directed against the Romes as well as the criminal activity of a part of the Romes ethnic whose goals are often greedy of gain-but besides this they are often of a racist character as well, their goal being “to damage the white gadges”. Racist tendencies in the Czechoslovak society are a reality. It is necessary to elaborate complex arrangements for their damping down and their prevention.
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