(CZ) Učitel jako oběť našili - poznatky z viktimologického šetření na českých středních školách
(EN) The Teacher as a Victim of Violence - Results of a Victimology Survey in Czech Middle Schools
Autor / Author: Tomášek, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: násilí vůči učitelům, násilí na pracovišti, střední školy, zahraniční a domácí výzkumy o násilí na školách
Téma násilí vůči pedagogickým pracovníkům patří v posledních letech k široce diskutovaným. Navzdory této skutečnosti však dosud existuje jen málo empirických studií, které by se rozsahem a podobami uvedeného jevu zabývaly. Příspěvek shrnuje poznatky z několika zahraničních výzkumů a především pak zjištění, která vyplynula z šetření, realizovaného na vzorku učitelů a ředitelů z náhodně vybraných českých středních škol v roce 2007. Současně poukazuje na určité terminologické nejasnosti, spjaté s pojmem násilí, stejně jako na možnost zkoumat danou problematiku jako jeden z projevů tzv. násilí na pracovišti.
In recent years fears have been voiced that the increasing level of aggression in children and young people is endangering teachers at schools, but unfortunately there has been a lack of empirical studies on the extent and forms of violence against teach-ers. Abroad, this theme is usually considered part of the problem known as violence in the workplace. Attempts to define it have for the most part included not only direct physical assaults, but violence in the sense of threats, intimidation or serious verbal abuse. According to the European Commission „violence in the workplace“ means incidents where someone is abused, threatened or directly assaulted in circumstances directly related to his/her work, and in such a ways as to endanger his/her safety, physical and mental well-being and health. Research in the USA, Great Britain, Finland and other countries indicates that teachers are becom-ing primarily victims of verbal violence. The more serious forms are less frequent. In the Czech Republic in 2007 the Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention carried out one study on this theme using an anony-mous questionnaire sent to a randomly selected sample of 200 middle schools. A total of 266 teachers and 127 school direc-tors took part. It shows that the teachers had by far the most experience of verbal attacks from students directly during lessons (22 % of the teachers had personal experience of this, while 49 % of school directors had had to deal with such cases). Bad language and insults from parents are also quite frequent (12 % of teachers had experienced this), as are threats to exploit important friends and acquaintances - both by students and parents (roughly every tenth teacher had experienced both). 2 % of the teachers in the research sample had personally experienced a direct physical assault by a pupil, while 5 % of the directors had had to deal with such a case. Almost 17 % of teachers reported that at the school where they worked there was a student or students of whom they were afraid, and so deliberately avoided any kind of conflict with out of fear of possible aggressive reactions. It also came to light that roughly 11 % of the teachers had already seriously considered leaving education because of the aggression of their students; not surprisingly significantly more of these came from the group that had already faced one of the forms of violence considered in the survey. The research also suggested that experience with violence is now distributed evenly among teachers. The sex of the teacher, and above all the type of school where he or she works, plays a certain role. In this context it emerged that teachers at vocational training centres and middle integrated schools have the most experience with violence while the situation is more favourable at gymnasium (grammar schools). Future research should focus on the factors that relate to teaching activity itself and that could heighten or reduce the risk of assault by a pupil or other person.
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