(CZ) Umělecká výchova a vytváření hodnotové orientace
(EN) The artistic education and the development of the values orientations
Autor / Author: Kaláb, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The artistic education is of elementary significance for the emotional cultivation and the development of the values orientation potential of the pupils. Fine arts as a statement of the subjects’values relation to the reality is an instrument of the values socialization. Each piece of fine arts is a cultural value which affects the values orientation of the social subjects as an instrument of evaluating the reality. The scientific acquirin of the reality is complementary to the artistic acquiring, affesting a man’s relation to the reality. The artistic education is a menas of the interhumane vakues communication, and a factort of developing the learner’s Weltanschaung. The artistic education makes it possible to exchange the attitudes, and it becomes thus a regulation of the individual, group and all-social values orientation. The artistic education is an important means of the aesthetic education. The aesthetic education teaches one to evaluate the reality, and that from the point-of-view of its structural, time and cubic arramgement, fromthe point-of-view of the mutual relation of the content, form and function. The artistic education together with the aesthetical education is becoming a significant factor of the working, technical, organizational, scientific and artistic education. It teaches us to recreate the reality suitably to the man’s needs and interests with consideration of keeping the ballance of the man’s natural, social and cultural environment.
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