(CZ) K interdisciplinárnym vzťahom hudobnej pedagogiky
(EN) Musical education in the system of sciences and its interdisciplenary relation
Autor / Author: Vereš, J.; Fukač, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The study is aimed at the characterization and problems in musical education, points at the integration into the system of sciences altogether im which it enters various interdisciplinary relations. The solvation of this theoretical problem follows practical goals penetrating at the same time closely musically-educational activities. The area of the scientific getting to know is interpretted by a flexible interdisciplinary co-operation, that is by pervading the borders of individual branches, the complex of sciences beingeseen as a net im which new pieces of knowledge are always being caught. The view of the relation “musical education- -education and musicology” is presented not only as by a mere mutual penetration of two sciences with a broader objective catch (education and musicology) but also as a reflection of an independent field of the musically aimed educational communication. In the conclusion attention is paid to the structure of the musical education to other branches which contribute to the dynamization and change of broad research contexts.
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