(CZ) Jak dále v řízení činnosti škol?
(EN) How to continue in managing the schools?
Autor / Author: Bacík, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In the article the hitherto system of managing the schools is being critically evaluated and some of its negative consequences for educational activities of schools are pointed at. Proceeding from the conception of the school as a model of a self-governing pluralit democratic society the author makes an analysis of different opinions concerning the new conception of how to manage the schools, especially of the struggles between the followers of the strictly centralized system of the management and the defenders of a broader independence and autonomy of schools.
In the conclusion of the article attention is paid to some problems of managing the schools under new social conditions, and problems and suggestions arc articulated in the relation to a new delimination of the headmasters and directors authority and responsibility and to the determination of the criteria for their selection for those functions.
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