(CZ) K vybraným problémom teórie riadenia školstva v USA a v západnej Europe
(EN) To some selected problems to the schools managing theory in the U.S. and West Europe
Autor / Author: Obdržálek, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author analyses the U.S. scientists’ opinions concerning the theory of managing schools in the U.S.A. and some other countries in the West. He notices these authors’ opinions concerning differences between managing schools and the Economic control, their opinions concern- "ig the starting point of managing Schools whose bases are both the theoreticaljy- educational and the non-theoretical disciplines. Further on applying the attitude to managing schools from the position of the hool social phenomenology, “the” irrational attitude”, “organizing schols as freely joined systems”, from the position of an “unforethoughtable “circumstance, and from the innovationa starting-point is being evaluated.
In the last part the study elaborates a practical view which can be made use of when intensifying the managing practice of schools.
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