(CZ) Kognitivní svébytnost, teoretická východiska a okolnosti jejího rozvíjení
(EN) Cognitive Individuality, Theoretical Premises and Circumstances of its Development
Autor / Author: Krykorková, H.
Klíčová slova / Key words: kognitivní svébytnost, vědy o učení, učení, osobnost žáka, metakognice, au-toregulace, reflexe, kontext, mentální reprezentace, úkolová situace, učení s porozuměním, učební kompetence
Ústředním pojmem této studie je pojem „kognitivní svébytnost“. Aktuálnost a mo-dernost tohoto pojmu je spatřována především v jeho komplexitě, nevyjadřuje pouze schopnost poznávat, ulit se a zpracovávat informace, ale předpokládá zároveň určitou osobnostní a sociální způsobilost ve vztahu k úkolové situaci. Jde o naplnění představy, která je založena na kognitivně, osobnostně sociální součinnosti. Tento záměr se jeví jako vysoce aktuální v podmínkách současné školy, kdy tvorba učebních plánů a rámcových vzdělávacích programů poskytuje prostor pro rozvoj kognitivních činností. Od školy se proto oprávněně očekává, že žák bude připraven do složitého světa poznání, že procesy osvojování a učení se stanou zároveň procesy smysluplnými, aktivizujícími rozvoj žákovy osobnosti.
The theme of school learning has not only been coming to the forefront in educational psychology and in research into educational psychology, but has also become a central theme in attempts to implement major transformations in our school system. This correspondence has been produced above all by social circumstances, revolutionary changes in information technology and last but not least, rthe current interdisciplinary and interactional character of the academic approach to questions of learning and knowledge.
Specifically in our school the concept of teaching and its preparation has changed in a fundamental way, as has the position of pupil and teacher in the educational precess. The question of whether educational psychologists, authors of general didactics and the didactics of individual subjects, and also the teachers and pupils are prepared to accept these changes and master them effectively is a very urgent matter, and one that is being tackled on a running basis and at a whole range of levels..
The study represents just one of the pos-sible ways of tackling the question of the meaningfulness and quality of school learn-ing. The term cognitive autonomy has been used as a concept that refers not just to the development of congitive dispositions and abilities, but also to the personality dimen-sion of the learning process as an integral part of that process and prerequisite for further development...
The study is an attempt to formulate a relatively comprehensive approach to the possibilities of developing cognitive autonomy.
In the framework of the study the three following levels are being developed and linked up:
a) the theoretical methodological level - here the basic features of the term „cogni tive autonomy“ are presented, and attention is devoted to the importance of the unity of the internal factors in the pupil‘s learning activity with the development indicators of the task situation and its context. Also presented here is a model of two cognitive levels that should help teachers, and experts on methods or didactic specialists to gain an insight into the cognitive field of the pupil, and do so with a view to the goal, likely cognitivie activity and the creation of task situations. b) meta-cognition and self-regulation - this level presents a very brief introduc tion to the meaning and implications of these two concepts, which form the basis of the new view of the development of learn ing competences and access routes to this development. c) the level of teacher preparation - here the idea is developed that to master the new goals the teacher should be equipped with theoretical knowledge from the field of self- regulation and meta-cognition, competences in the subject field, didactic applications, and the determination of cognitive foals on the two proposed cognitive levels. d) the level of preparation of the pupil is closely bound up with the motivation field and within it the primary motivational precondition, which means the acceptance of the cognitive task. Connected with this is the development of the natural disposition to reflect on one own activities, understanding of the point of what one is doing, and how the external context of the knowledge relates to the internal context of what one already knows.
The text also considers one of the key competences to which attention is devoted in contemporary school documents, i.e. s learning competence.
We believe that cognitive autonomy, defined at the five levels mentioned, can be regarded as one of the possibilities for the the development of learning competences.
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