[:cs]Dovolujeme si naše čtenáře informovat, že bylo publikováno nové mezinárodní monotematické číslo 4/2017 s názvem „Historical Reflection of Education and Its Significance in (Not Only) Teacher Education“.
Editory čísla jsou Tomáš Kasper, Karel Rýdl a Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon.
Číslo naleznete v archivu časopisu.[:en]We would like to inform our readers that a new international monothematic issue 4/2017 called „Historical Reflection of Education and Its Significance in (Not Only) Teacher Education“ has been published.
Editors of the numbers are Tomas Kasper, Karel Rýdl and Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon.
You can find the issue in the journal archive.