(CZ) Geschichte als Dispositionsspielraum? Pädagogische Lehrbücher und Schriften für die Ausbildung von Primarlehrpersonen im Kanton Zürich, 1900–1950
(EN) Geschichte als Dispositionsspielraum? Pädagogische Lehrbücher und Schriften für die Ausbildung von Primarlehrpersonen im Kanton Zürich, 1900–1950
Klíčová slova / Key words: teacher training, history, pedagogical textbooks, classical authors, community, critique of schools, school reforms
teacher training, history, pedagogical textbooks, classical authors, community, critique of schools, school reforms
This paper focuses on the use of history and historical figures within the scope of pedagogy and didactics in teacher education, especially in textbooks and writings of teacher educators. In the analyzed texts, the present time is often diagnosed to be decadent whereas the past is imagined as a golden age. Historical figures and references to history were used as a pool of eternal truths which were credited with the ability to point the way to a better future. An eclectic choice of historical aspects usually was merged with modern scientific findings into scientific text formats. The scientific aspect itself as well as dignity and ability to provide guidance ascribed to the historical figures conferred legitimation and authority to the texts produced by the teacher educators.
This paper focuses on the use of history and historical figures within the scope of pedagogy and didactics in teacher education, especially in textbooks and writings of teacher educators. In the analyzed texts, the present time is often diagnosed to be decadent whereas the past is imagined as a golden age. Historical figures and references to history were used as a pool of eternal truths which were credited with the ability to point the way to a better future. An eclectic choice of historical aspects usually was merged with modern scientific findings into scientific text formats. The scientific aspect itself as well as dignity and ability to provide guidance ascribed to the historical figures conferred legitimation and authority to the texts produced by the teacher educators.
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