(CZ) Dyspraxie
(EN) Dyspraxia
Autor / Author: Zelinková, O.
Klíčová slova / Key words: dyspraxie, poruchy pohybové koordinace, lehké mozkové dysfunkce, pohybový vývoj dítěte, individuální vzdělávací program.
Cílem článku je seznámit s pojmem dyspraxie, jak je v současné době vnímán v zahraničí. Připomenuty jsou naše poznatky týkající se pohybového vývoje dítěte apohybové koordinace, na něž je možné navazovat. Obsah článku vychází ze zahraniční literatury, využity jsou též poznatky z přednášky přední odbornice na tuto problematiku v Anglii (A. Kirby). Informace jsou prezentovány tak, aby je bylo možné uplatnit v pedagogické praxi i k dalšímu rozvoji teorie.
This article on „Dyspraxia“ is concerned with disorder in the development of move-ment and physical co-ordination. The first section of the text refers to findings in the Czech specialist literature, in which devia-tions in the development of movement and co-ordination are often associated with the syndrome of mild brain disfunction and dyslexia. The most important specialists in this area have included O. Kučera, Z. Třesohlavá, Z. Žlab, and Z. Matějček. They made use of the terms - the syndromes dysgnosia - dyspraxia, articulation dyspraxia.
The core of the article is based on the English literature and a lecture by A. Kirby, an internationally acknowledged expert in the field of dyspraxia. She more often uses the term dyspraxia, which she understands as a synonym for the name „Developmental Motor Co-ordination Disorders“ which appears in the international classification of illnesses.
The symptoms of dyspraxia are described primarily on the basis of the research M. Portwood. They are presented in terms of their manifestation at different ages: toddler, pre-school, younger and older school age, adolescence and adulthood. This detailed account of symptoms covers the following areas: the development of fine and gross motor abilities, the development of grapho-motor abilities, speech develop-ment, care of self and social contacts.
The next section is devoted to the diag-nostics of dyspraxia. The four diagnostic criteria cited from the work of M. Portwood are based on the international classification of disorders. As yet there are no diagnostic instruments in the Czech Republic. Obser-vation by parents and teachers is clearly one method, but neurological, psychological and logopaedic examinations are essential. Proposals for re-education are set out, as in the preceding sections, chronologically for the different age categories and areas mentioned above. On the basis of the diagnosis, individual educational programmes should be produced for pupils. Suggestions on what these should involve are set out in the last section of the text.
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