(CZ) Role implicitních procesů při utváření profesní identity budoucích učitelů
(EN) The Role of Implicit Processes in the Formation of the Professional Identity of Future Teachers
Autor / Author: Stuchlíková, I.
Klíčová slova / Key words: profesní identita učitele, implicitní teorie vyučováni, úzkost, represivní copingový styl, implicitní motivace, motivační struktura
Článek se zabývá roli implicitních procesů při utvářeni profesní identity v pregraduálni přípravě učitelů. Stručně uvádí problematiku profesní identity a jejího jádra - pojetí výuky. Zdůrazněna je role konceptuáíni změny jako nezbytného procesu proměny pojetí výuky. V další části se článek postupně věnuje třem tématům, která souvisejí s utvářením profesní identity a vzájemně jsou propojena zastoupením implicitních procesů: implicitní teorii výuky, regulaci emoci, explicitní a implicitní motivaci и studentů učitelství. Každé téma je ilustrováno výzkumem, který probíhá na PF JU v rámci pedagogicko-psychologické přípravy studentů a jeho citem jc monitorovat změny, ke kterým v přípravě dochází.
The article is concerned with the formation of professional identity in pre-graduate teacher training, or pre-service teacher education. Attention is devoted specifically to the role of implicit processes. A short introduction briefly introduces the subject of professional identity, takes a concise look at the sociological approach to the profession and then focuses in more detail on what is more a psychological concept, i.e. a personalist or constructivist approach and a narrative approach. The core of professional identity is the subjective theory of teaching, and therefore the article, referring for support to the work of Mareš et al (1996) and Spilková (2004), goes on to consider the student‘s concept of teaching and the development of this concept in the course of pre-graduate studies. The elements emphasised are the role of conceptual change a an essential process in the transformation of the concept of teaching, and the role of implicit processes. In its next section the article successively explores three themes that relate to the formation of professional identity and are mutually connected by the agency of implicit processes. Each of these is illustrated using research underway at the Faculty of Education of University of South Bohemia in the framework of the educational psychological preparation of students, which is designed to monitor the changes that take place during that preparation. The first part considers the implicit theory of teaching. After a theoretical introduction that connects this term with paradigms of current cognitive psychology, the article explains the function of ITT during education to be a teacher and briefly states the possibilities for the explanation of ITT. Research on the deep structure of students‘ testimony on what it means to them to be a teacher is adduced as illustration. The next part of the article is concerned with regulation of emotions. It draws attention to the importance of the regulation of emotion for the helping professions, including teaching, and it shows some consequences of social norms in this area. As a concrete example it looks at anxiety as a feature of personality and points to a certain discrepancy between the way student teachers describe it in their own cases and how it manifests itself in their art works. This partalso includes the question of the so called „repressive coping style“ which is characterised by an inhibited approach to one‘s own experience of emotion. The third section of the article considers the question of motivation among student teachers and once again contrasts the fully conscious explicit level with the implicit level. The text draws attention to the importance of mutual congruence and then looks at research into explicit goal motivations and implicit motives in students of teaching for primary school and students of teaching for secondary level Basic School. It shows the differences in the motivations of these two groups of students and once again presents this data as information that needs to be exploited in attempts to support the development of professional identity.
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