(CZ) Výzva, nebo destrukce? Česká kurikulárni reforma a dějepis
(EN) Challenge or Destruction? Czech Curricular Reform and History
Autor / Author: Beneš, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words: rámcový vzdělávací program, školní dějepis, didaktika dějepisu
Text je kritickým zamyšlením nad současnou podobou českého školního dějepisu a dějepisného vyučováni a jejich vztahu к probíhající kurikulárni reformě v českém školství. Usiluje postihnout hlavni faktory, které určuji stávající konceptualizaci českého školního dějepisu, upozorňuje na její nedostatky a všímá si možnosti i nebezpečí, která dějepisné výuce přinášejí RVP a jejich konkretizace v ŠVP. Zejména akcentuje terminologické nepřesnosti a nedůslednosti provázející tvorbu R VP, protože právě ony vedou nejen к nedorozuměním, ale skrývají také potencionální nebezpečí pro tvorbu ŠVP a podobu dějepisné výuky.
History is among the most discussed teaching subjects of all, and this is even more the case in a time of attempts to reform it. This thesis is fully applicable to the current phase of Czech curricular reform. The academic and media discussions about history are clear evidence of the interest of society in the subject, but also testify to one of the dangers facing the subject - because history is apparently immediately understandable, there is pressure on its content. History as taught in Czech schools has hitherto been based on a theoretical conception that is the legacy of what is known as the positivist approach. Its starting point is the attempt to convey historical science through history. This conceptual basis is sufficiently obvious in the introductory thematic sections of the Czech curricula, which generally work with the category Of the historical source as the gateway to the world of knowledge of history. In fact, however- not only for basic school pupils but even in many cases in secondary schools, the gateway to the „natural historical world“ is the presentation of the past in everyday practical life; today the category of historical culture bears witness to this fact. In this kind of approach, historical scientific knowledge is not the starting-point but the strategic goal, achieved both through the structuring of the material and the methods of teaching. Not even in the newly formulated Czech curricula (RVP), however, has it proved possible to achieve the necessary change in favour of this new conceptual basis for history. The creation of educational fields - for history this is the field Man and Society - is potentially a useful conceptual step, but only on the assumption that its individual disciplines will be sufficiently defined, thus making possible the creation of space for effective co-operation between individual subjects. Yet the priori tisation of common general characteristics over specific definition of the individual disciplines as the conceptual foundations for teaching subjects undermines this possibility. It is as if it has been forgotten that the RVP has a normative character and must therefore be equipped with tools for - however general - directed teaching. At the level of the discipline and the subject derived from it the new Czech curricula continue to lag behind at least in the case of history. It is therefore fair to ask whether the curricular reform is more of a challenge to change or potential destruction. It seems that in the humanities it has so far provided more questions than answers.
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