(CZ) Vnímání ohrožujících jevů dětmi (sděleni z předvýzkumu)
(EN) Children‘s Perception of Threatening Phenomena (pre-research phase report)
Autor / Author: Hejlová, H.
Klíčová slova / Key words: ohrožující jevy, ohroženi, strach, úzkost, obava, pomoc, domov, škola, svět, sociální pozice dítěte
V článku jsou prezentovány výsledky výzkumné sondy, která se týkala verbalizace pocitu ohroženi děti v domácím prostoru, ve školním prostoru a v širším prostoru „svět“. Základní výzkumnou technikou je dotazník s položkami tvořenými nedokončenými výroky, respondenty jsou žáci 4. a 5. ročníku 7.Š. Sonda proběhla na jaře r. 2002, je předvýzkumnou etapou šetřeni sociální pozice dítěte, která byla realizována mapováním současných ohrožujících jevů a zdrojů pomoci vnímaných a uvědomovaných dětmi. Výsledky budou využity především v učitelském vzděláváni a jako podklad pro dalši výzkumy.
A research problem involved analysis of the written answers of children about feelings of threat in the second half of primary school. The technique chosen for the questionnaire was that of unfinished statements, which is considered suitable for the blanket collection of data in this age category. The questionnaire asked for reactions in home conditions, in school, an in the wider social environment. The data showed that the threats stated by the children were real, in the sense that that they could in fact happen. According to the survey, in home conditions children were most afraid of punishments and of discord in the family. This threat was confirmed by answers to the question asking what made children most happy and what they would most wish for. In both cases the reactions testified to the need for a climate of acceptance in the family, and the need for love and safety, but the desire „to do what I want“ or „play“ without direct adult supervision. The data on the school environment provided confirmation that there was a link between feelings of threat arising from school life, pressure for academic performance and marks on the one hand, and the experience of failure at school on the other. In addition, however, there was a perceived threat of „children hurting each other“. The children evidently saw the school environment as a „world in and for itself‘, which did not encroach much on the home or nonschool environment. In the „world“ environment the children were most afraid of getting lost and not being able to get people to understand or being ghelpless and not being able to get back home. They were also aware of the danger of injury, sickness or accident, and less often of natural phenomena. The research probe showed that what children primarily express is the psychological need for a loving intimate relationship at home, the need to achieve success ensuring acceptance and safety at school, and in the wider environment the need to get to know the world and to be in contact with someone trusted. Children perceived the worst threat to be negative relations between people, while contact with trustworthy people was the surest guarantee of help and security. The data gathered in the survey will be used as the basis for further research probes and for teacher education.
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