(CZ) Vzděláváni židovských dětí v protektorátu Čechy a Morava v letech 1939-1942
(EN) The Education of Jewish Children in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1942
Autor / Author: Kasperová, D.
Klíčová slova / Key words: „konečné řešeni židovské otázky“, protižidovská opatřeni ve školské oblasti, plněni povinně školní docházky židovských děti v protektorátu, zákaz vyučováni židovských žáků v protektorátu, říšské židovské školství
Demokraticky‘ vývoj československé společnosti i školské politiky ukončil podzim 1938 a zejména okupace českých zemi v březnu 1939. Okupačními orgány postupně realizované řešeni „židovské otázky“ nastolilo tvrdé pronásledováni židovského obyvatelstva a významným způsobem zasáhlo i do oblasti školství. Vůči židovskému žactvu a učitelstvu postupovala okupační moc se stejnou razanci jako v jiných sférách veřejného a hospodářského života protektorátu. Následující článek si klade za cil seznámit čtenáře s protižidovskými opatřeními ve školské oblasti — s postupným vylučováním děti židovského původu z německých i českých protektorátních škol, resp. se zbavováním možnosti jejich přístupu ke vzděláni. Jakou úlohu v tomto procesu sehrála protektorátni vláda a jaké byly záměry říšského protektora jsou otázky, na něž je soustředěna pozornost.
This study of the education of Jewish children in the Protectorate provides an account of the anti-Jewish measures in education, i.e. the gradual exclusion of Jewish children from German and Czech schools in the Protectorate, and denial of any access to education for such children. Attention is focused on the question of the role of the Protectorate government in this process and the goals of the Reichsprotector. The exclusion of Jewish pupils from schools started in the period of the Second Republic, when foreigners of Jewish origin had to leave all middle schools in which German was the teaching language. In the Protectorate the education of Jewish children was a matter determined above all by the progressive realisation of the Nazi solution to the „Jewish Question“. From the academic year 1939/40 Jewish pupils were excluded from all Herman national and middle schools, the organs of occupation requiring the Protectorate government to issue the necessary decrees. The fundamental step in denying Jewish children access to education came in the academic year 1940/41 - Jewish pupils were banned from attending teaching in Czech schools of all kinds, public and private. They were allowed only to attend already existing Jewish schools, but there were hardly any such schools in the Protectorate and so most of the children received teaching at home, where by law they could only be taught by Jewish teachers. In this situation the issue of the fulfdment of Jewish children‘s capacity to fulfil legally required compulsory education was the subject of a proposal from the Jewish religious community in October 1940 and of guidelines issued by the Protector K. Neurath in June 1941. The Protector‘s guidelines served as the basis for a draft government decree of the school education of Jewish children in August 1941, but the appointment of the new Acting Reichsprotector Heydricha in September 1941 meant that it was never promulgated. The persecution of Jews in the educational sphere culminated with a ban on all teaching of Jewish children in the Protectorate, which came into force in the summer of 1942. The education of Jewish children became illegal, and the only form that remained was illegal teaching that was to a certain extent conducted behind the walls of the Terezín Ghetto.
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