(CZ) Legislativní úprava domácího vzdělávání v zahraničí a její komparace se situací v České republice
(EN) Legal Regulation of Home Education Abroad in Comparison with the Situation in the Czech Republic
Autor / Author: Kostelecká, Y.
Klíčová slova / Key words: domácí vzděláváni, legislativní úprava v České republice, mezinárodni komparace
Od 1. září 1998 umožnilo Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky domácí vzdělávání formou pokusného ověřováni pro děti na I. stupni povinné školní docházky. Od 1. ledna 2005 domácí vzděláváni upravuje zákon ě. 561/2004 Sb„ o předškolním, základním, středním, vyšším a jiném vzdělávání (školský zákon). Článek porovnává legislativní úpravu a z ni vycházející praxi domácího vzděláváni v České republice se situaci v zahraničí. Ze srovnání vyplývá, že Českou republiku můžeme řadit téměř ve všech sledovaných parametrech mezi státy s nejpřísnější formou regulace. Domácí vzděláváni může být povoleno jen za splněni celé řady omezujících požadavků.
Since the 1st of September 1998 the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic has permitted home education in the form of an experimental trial for children in the first stage of compulsory education. Since the I st of January 2005 home education has been subject to the provisions of Law 561/2004 on pre-school, basic, middle, higher and other education (the school law). The aim of the article is to compare this legal regulation of the area and the practice based on it with the situation abroad. It emerges from the comparison that the Czech Republic is a state with very stringent regulation. Home education can be allowed only for children at the first level of basic (elementary) school. Parents do not have an automatic right to educate their children at home but have to request it from the director of the school. Home education may be allowed only for serious reasons and for children whose home educator has at least a full secondary education and has passed the school leaving examinations. Applications for permission for home education must be accompanied by the official opinion of the school advisory facility, and the family must show that it has sufficient space, material and technical resources for education... The individually educated pupil has to take tests every six months at school on what he or she has been taught. Empirical research has shown that strictness of regulation does not have a statistically significant positive effect on the results of home education. On the contrary, it is likely that the strict regulations cause difficulties to the families engaging in this kind of education because the many organisational demands imposed may actually waste time that could otherwise be used for the education of the child or the self-education of the home teacher. We may therefore ask questions about point of the kind of strict legislation that increases demands on the work capacity and funds of the inspection bodies, imposes a heavy burden in terms of administration and lime 011 parents educating their children at home, and tends to exclude other potential home educators.
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