(CZ) Historická tematika na stránkách Pedagogiky v uplynulém padesátiletí
(EN) Historical themes on the pages of pedagogika in the last fifty years
Autor / Author: Nejedlá, D.
Klíčová slova / Key words: historiografie pedagogiky, hodnoceni vývoje
Stať shrnuje vývoj historické tematiky na stránkách Pedagogiky v uplynulých padesáti letech. Pozornost j e věnována zejména otázkám tematického zaměřeni publikovaných stati, recenzí a zpráv.
The subject of the article submitted is the historiography of education as recorded on the pages of Pedagogika in the last fifty years. In view of the overall quantity of the material the approach adopted may be defined as thematic-,quantitative, i.e. attention is made to the thematic focus of the individual contributions, questions of the continuity of post-war history with the history of the First Republic, and the development of assessment of this period after the war, questions of the degree of political engagement shown by authors, and the choice of themes in different periods etc. For clarity, the overall time period has been divided into five decades, which are characterised one after the other. At the end of the article there is a list of the themes investigated with the names of the authors concerned with them. The postwar historiography began to develop very rapidly around the mid-Fifties. In addition to Comenius studies, which took up almost 1/4 of the overall historiographiceducational production, there was interest in the history of the Czech and Slovak school, the development of the teachers’ movement, the study of the intellectual legacy of important Czech and Slovak figures engaged in the field of education and instruction, left- -wing educational theory under the lsl Republic, the history of the scientific field of pedagogy, and the problem of education and training in the domestic and international workers’ movement. Most of the published contributions show a clear and marked degree of isolation without suggestions of awareness of the broader or at least the Central European context. The overwhelming majority of articles deal with a domestic theme, usually very narrowly defined. Synthetic historical comparative work makes no appearance during the whole fifty-year period. In assessing the output of the individual decades it should be noted that paradoxically, given the Czech political situation, the second half of the Fifties was the most important for the development of the historiography of education. At this point international isolation was compensated for by heightened domestic activity. The Sixties are characterised by very limited historiographical work, which only revived in the Seventies, although the numerous articles from this period show strong traces of an ideological influence that sharply reduce their value. The Eighties differed little from the preceding decade and the turning-point came in the Nineties, when the number of historiographical articles and activities declined, but the use of scientific historical method strongly improved.
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