(CZ) Měření vědomostí a dovedností romských žáků v rámci šetření PISA
(EN) The Measurement of the Knowledge and Skills of Roma Pupils in the Context of the PISA Survey 2009
Autor / Author: STRAKOVÁ, J.; TOMÁŠEK, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words: romští žáci, výsledky vzdělávání, základní škola, základní škola praktická, PISA
Roma pupils, results of education, basic school, basic practical school, PISA
V České republice je k dispozici řada výzkumů, které ukazují, že romští žáci jsou v českém vzdělávacím systému znevýhodněni z hlediska svých vzdělávacích drah. Máme poznatky o tom, že romští žáci jsou častěji než žáci z většinové společnosti vzděláváni mimo hlavní vzdělávací proud a předčasně odcházejí ze vzdělávání. Chybějí však informace o tom, jakých dosahují romští žáci výsledků. Tato stať představuje sondu, která byla provedena v rámci šetření PISA 2009 a pokoušela se získat informace o vzdělávacích výsledcích romských žáků ve srovnání se vzdělávacími výsledky většinové populace. Čerpá z dat získaných v rámci sběru dat pro výzkum PISA a z přídatného šetření provedeného na výběru škol nacházejících se v blízkosti vyloučených lokalit.
In the Czech Republic there have been a range of studies showing that Roma pupils are disadvantaged in the Czech school systems from the point of view of their educational paths. We have evidence that Roma pupils are more often educated outside the school mainstream than pupils from the majority society and more often leave education prematurely. There is a lack of information, however, on the kind of educational results achieved by Roma pupils. This article presents a probe carried out in the frameworks of the PISA survey 2009, which was an attempt to obtain information on the educational results of Roma pupils in comparison with the educational results of the majority population.
The analysis draws on data obtained as part of data collection for the PISA survey (3,277 pupils in compulsory education) and from an additional survey carried out at a selection of schools located close to socially excluded localities. The 25 schools were chosen randomly from the GAC company database which was used in the project Educational Paths and Educational Chances of Roma Pupils at Basic Schools close to Excluded Roma localities. 18 schools with 326 fifteen-year-old pupils were involved in the survey.
The analysis confirmed that there were statistically significant differences between the results of Roma pupils and pupils from the majority society. It also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between Roma pupils in basic and practical schools or schools with different proportions of Roma pupils. The results are, however, compromised by a serious mistake in selection – the survey carried out as part of the PISA research in excluded localities is not a representative survey of Roma pupils
The authors decided to present their findings because in the CR there is no available information on the results of Roma pupils at all. They are convinced that even though it is necessary to approach the findings presented with caution, they could serve as a springboard for further research surveys. What is necessary is a representative survey that will provide reliable information on the differences between the results of Roma pupils and pupils from majority society in different types of school, and on the reasons for these differences. The gathering of empirical evidence is the basic prerequisite for finding paths to the effective education of Roma pupils in the Czech school system.
RNDr. Jana Straková, Ph.D., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Institute of Research and Development of Education, Myslíkova 7, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech republic, e-mail: jana.strakova@pedf.cuni.cz
Vladislav Tomášek, Czech School Inspectorate, Fráni Šrámka 37, 150 21 Praha 5, Czech Republic, e-mail: vladislav.tomasek@csicr.cz
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