(CZ) Vztah spisovnosti a nespisovnosti v pedagogické komunikaci
(EN) The literary and non-literary way of speaking in teacher - student communication
Autor / Author: Čechová, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pedagogická komunikace, jazyk, spisovný jazyk, neutrální jazyk, hovorový jazyk, diferencované užití jazyka
Studie ukazuje, jak se vyvíjí stanovisko lingvistů k užívání mateřského jazyka jako prostředku komunikace mezi učitelem a žáky. Nejprve se požadoval spisovný jazyk, a to čistý jazyk, ev. neutrální. Naše stanovisko se přiklání k diferencovanému užití jazyka. Učitel by měl přihlížet k podmínkám jazykového projevu, jeho funkci, situaci, formě písemné a ústní.
The paper refers to general and vague definitions of standards, to the mixing of the meaning of the word literary and written or to mere codification, and mostly just in the field of spelling, phonology and morphology. Despite the efforts of the Czech functional structural school to disapprove puristic demands over the past seventy years, the older puristic view of "clean literary language" has survived. As seen in the efforts of the methodists and some linguists over the past several decades, strict use of the literary language has been required at schools.
The paper emphasizes the necessity for students to acquire the need and to develop the habit to differenciate their literary expresions so that they would be able to use the literary language naturally under certain social conditions. But it is also mentioned that the form of communication between teachers and pupils should not be unified, it should be based on literary language, but modified in case of metalanguage, or public, private and intimate language.
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