(CZ) Slovenské školství po rozbití Československa v roce 1939
(EN) The Slovak education after the split-up of Czechoslovakia in 1939
Autor / Author: Morkes, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words: základní školy, školská reforma, gymnázia, vysoké školy
Snaha samostatného slovenského státu vybudovat národní školství. Zesílení vlivu církve, odchody českých učitelů, kvantitativní rozvoj vyskokých škol.
The article informs about the legislative changes in the education of Slovakia after the split-up of Czechoslovakia in 1939. The dominant type of schools within the basic education became the church schools. The new content of their education was seen in the tight connection with the spirit of nationality and Christianity. The aim of the school reform was the creation of the school of the working type. At the level of upper secondary schools the co-education was abolished and the teachers of Czech nationality had to leave them. The dismissal of Czech teachers influenced negatively the quality of the teaching. Several reforms had been realized. The reform of grammar schools (gymnasiums), the conception of the teacher training and education was completely changed. As there was a necessity to build the net of universities in Slovakia - the quantitative development of new universities was acomplished. The number of university students had increased also because of the fact that the Czech universities had been closed by force since 17th November 1939. The Slovak education had to solve also the questions of its own structure and allocation of schools in connection within the handing over a part of Slovak territory to Hungary.
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