(CZ) Autodiagnostika pedagogické činnosti učitele - módnost, nebo potřeba?
(EN) Autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity of the teacher - a fashion or a need?
Autor / Author: Švec, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words: učitel, autodiagnostika pedagogické činnosti, sebereflexe, autodiagnostické metody, zpětnovazební informace, zdokonalování pedagogické činnosti
Autor předkládá k diskusi sedm problémů, k nimž zaujímá stanovisko: 1. Co je posláním autodiagnostiky pedagogické činnosti učitele; 2. Na které oblasti tuto autodiagnostiku zaměřit: 3. Kdo by se měl na autodiagnostice učitele podílet; 4. Jaké autodiagnostické metody a techniky zvolit; 5. Kdy autodiagnostiku pedagogické činnosti realizovat; 6. Jak výsledků autodiagnostiky využit; 7. Za jakých podmínek splní v současné škole autodiagnostika pedagogické činnosti svoje poslání.
In a discussion article attention is payed to the significance of the autodiagnostics in the pedagogical activity of the teacher. The author is discussing the following questions: 1. What is the mission of the autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity of the teacher? 2. To which areas it is to direct this autodiagnostics? 3. Who should share this autodiagnostics of the teacher? 4. Which autodiagnostic methods and techniques to choose? 5. When is it to realize the autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity? 6. Which results of the autodiagnostics to use? 7. Under what conditions the autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity of the teacher fulfills in contemporary school its mission?
It is shown that the autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity o f the teacher, based on self-reflexion is the way out of the qualification of this activity. It enables to concern different sides of the teacher’s pedagogical activity, e.g. his considering of teaching, pedagogical communication and consequences of the teacher’s pedagogical action. Successfull autodiagnostics of the pedagogical activity supposes, besides, that for its realization future teachers (on faculties training the teacher) but also teachers in practice (within the frame o f their pedagogic-psychological self-education and education) will be prepared.
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