(CZ) Potrebujeme poznať dejiny hudobnej pedagogiky?
(EN) We should get more knowledge on the history of musical pedagogy
Autor / Author: Vereš, J., Fukač, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: hudobná pedagogika, periodizácia dějin, hudobná teória, špeciálna hudobná výchova, všeobecná hudobná výchova, estetická hudobná výchova, pluralita, postmoderna, elementarizumus, polyestetično
Článek prezentuje stručný přehled různých evaluačních modů hudební pedagogiky, jejich genezi a funkci: přirozená výchovná praxe, socializované ideje, didaktické modely spojené s některými paradigmaty hudební teorie, didaktika speciální a všeobecné hudební výchovy, estetická výchova, postmoderní situace kulturní plurality.
The present study deals with the development of theoretical reflexion of music education and systemic explanation of music-pedagogical thinking. The gist of the problem should be seen in the aknowledgement of the history of music pedagogy for the present time and for music and educational practice. From the methodological viewpoint the diachronical and synchronic dimension approarcih prevails, while the number of modalities in relation to the role and features of the given phenomenom of musical and pedagogic thinking. In a condense explanation we present a brief survey of individual models, their genesis, original historical function and we show suggest possibilities of their preservance, as well as their applicability in present conditions. The solution offers the idea on the present musical pedagogy and musical education trends, as well as their practical/pragmatic application based on various, mutually dependent (sometimes contradictory) paradigms of musical and pedagogic thinking.
In the conclusion the authors point to the present cultural plurality and its position within the musical pedagogy.
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