(CZ) Reflexe učitelské profese: divadlo, dílna a těžký život v pojetí výuky
(EN) The reflection of the teacher's profession: "theatre", "workshop" and "hard life" in conception of the instruction
Autor / Author: Slavík, J., Čapková, D.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pojetí výuky, učitel, profese, reflexe, praxe
Učitelovo pojetí výuky je v článku zkoumáno jako komplexní model učitelova jednání prostřednictvím analýzy reflektivních bilancí (expresivních učitelských záznamů) vyučovacích hodin.
The purpose of this paper is to present one of the possibilities of the qualitative approach to investigation of the teacher’s conception of the instruction. The paper focuses on the analysis of “reflective accounts" , it is the teacher’s expressive account ofthe lesson, fhe qualitative analysis showed three types ofthe conception patterns: 1) "workshop", oriented to pupil’s knowledges, facts and skills, 2) "theatre", oriented to pupil’s originality, expression and enjoyment, 3) "hard life" oriented to pupil’s reflection of ownself doing and thinking. Three cognitive levels were distinguished a) professional unconsciousness (teacher is not able to see his/her professional problem), b) practice professional consciousness (professional problem is described, but il is not analy/ed), c) discursive professional consciousness (analytical teacher’s approach to professional reality).
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