(CZ) Efektívnosť vyučovania fyziky na gymnáziách
(EN) The Effectivity of the teaching of Physics at the grammar schools
Autor / Author: Krajňák, M., Turek, I.
Klíčová slova / Key words: efektívnosť vyučovania fyziky, didaktický test, dotazník, štatistická verifikácia hypotéz výskumu, špecifické ciele, základné učivo, štandardy
Článok popisuje ciele, hypotézy, predmet, metodiku, výsledky a interpretáciu výsledkov výskumu efektívnosti vyučovania fyziky v 2. ročníku gymnázií na východnom Slovensku. Obsahuje tiež odporúčania na zvýšenie efektívnosti vyučovania fyziky.
In their article the authors desribe the goals, hypotheses, the object, methodology, results and the interpretation of the research aimed at the effectivity of the teaching of physics. Four hundred and thirty five pupils took part in the research: (41 % boys, 59 % of girls) of the second grammar school forms of East Slovakia. The selection of the sample was made incidentally The didactic test and the inguiary method were used as the methods of the research. The following hypotheses were confirmed by the statistical verification: the output of the learners, achieved in the didactic test was poorer than the normative output indicated by the teachers as the limit of the interiorization fo the teaching material. As for the individual levels of learning the pupils presented their best achievement in the area fo memorization and the poorest in solving the problems tasks. There were important differences in the effectivity of teaching at individual grammar schools. There were also differences in the classification of individual grammar schools, that means that the classification is stigmatized by subjectivity The attitudes of the grammar school students to the teaching of physics were ill-disposed. At the grammar schools physics belongs to the least popular school subjects.
In the conclusion of the contribuiton the authors present recommandatins how to make the teaching of physic more effective, those recommandation being aimed at the teaching material of physics, the formulations of its goals, the teacher’s personalities and the methodology of physics above all.
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