(CZ) Pedagogika a edukometrie
(EN) Education and educometrics
Autor / Author: Komenda, S.
Klíčová slova / Key words: učení, zpětná vazba, měření znalostí, statistika, edukometrie, didaktický test, operační charakteristika, entropie, distance, účinnost klasifikace
Edukometrie je oblast pedagogiky, zabývající se možnostmi a metodami měření pedagogických jevů. Článek demonstruje použití prostředků statistického rozhodování jako nástroje popisu a analýzy klasifikace znalostí žáka v případe, kdy jsou tyto znalosti měřeny pomocí didaktického testu typu multiple-choice.
Learning and teaching as well are processes reasonable control of which is supported by the information feedback. Knowledge assessment can be incorporated as a part of this self-control or control process. In this paper the possibility is studied how to formalize this assessment in the case when the measurement of the knowledge of the subject to consider is supported by the school-achievement test of the multiple-choice type. The relation between the actual subject’s knowledge and his/her response in the test is given by means of the binomial distribution and the assessment reliability is expressed by the set of operation characteristics. The possibility to apply entropy and distance of a frequency distribution as the means of the assessment efficiency evaluation is demostrated. Functioning of the method is proved in the cases of some multiple-choice tests of the size and number of distractors commonly used.
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