(CZ) Dialóg a jeho účinnosť vo vyučovacom procese
(EN) The dialogue and its long-term effectivity in the teaching process
Autor / Author: Hrdina, Ľ
Klíčová slova / Key words: dialóg vo vyučovacom procese. Vstup žiaka do dialógu bez vyzvania učitela, protokol vyučovacej hodiny
Funkcia dialógu a jeho štruktúra. Osobitosti přístupu učitelov k vedeniu dialógu vo vyučovacom procese. Tri kategoriálne systémy vedenia dialógu učitela so žiakmi. Vo výskume sme zistili, že učitelia dosahujúci velmi dobré výsledky so žiakmi majú značne lepšie výsledky i vo vedení dialógu na vyučovacích hodinách.
The dialogue has an irreplaceable function in the process of teaching since it is the process through which information is exchanged between teacher and pupils. The position of the dialogue in a broader context of tuition and learning is preconditioned by personality characteristics of the teachers and pupils, the contents, organization, social background as well as climate of the school or class. It is a method for decisionmaking and action of the individual in his gathering of information, and its application in his activities.
Two groups have been studied in the research, viz. a selected group of outstanding teachers, and the rest of teachers. Three categorical systems of the dialogue were used in the classes: the category of questions, category of answers, and the category of entering the dialogue of the pupils without being challenged by the teacher. We have found that the first group (of excellent teachers, obtaining outstanding results with pupils) had substantially better resuhs in leading the dialogue in the classes, with respect to the correct and extension-providing answers of pupils, both in standard and non- -standard tuition. In the non-standard process, pupils have manifested resourcefulness, ability of logical thinking, and a creative problemsolving approach. These pupils have shown substantially better results also from the aspect of entrance into the dialogue without challenge. This unwritten agreement between teacher and pupil gives advantage to the latter, offering them self- -confidence and eliminating fear. The teacher — as the partner of pupils — can at the same time observe the individualities of specific pupils and utilize them in their development.
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