(CZ) K budoucnosti kulturní výchovy ve škole
(EN) To the future of the cultural education at school
Autor / Author: Chaloupka, O.
Klíčová slova / Key words: kulturní výchova ve škole, afirmativní pojetí kulturní výchovy, formativní pojetí kulturní výchovy, kulturní receptivnost, interpretační procesy
Stať se zabývá problematikou vztahu formativních a afirmativních zřetelů v kulturní výchově. Vyjadřuje potřebu její orientace k individualitě osobnosti a k rozhodovacím procesům žáka ve zvýšené míře, než tomu bylo v tradiční kulturní normativní a instrumentální.
The article deals with the problems of a draft upon the cultural education at school. It starts from the fact that at the Czech school the cultural education was framed traditionally as a normative education in different school subjects where the acquiting of cultural artefacts served more generally given goals. The cultural education itself was becoming instrumental that way, and predominantly it was anchored in the reduction of the given scientific discipline (e. g. the literal science in the literally education). The article pounts at the dangers of such a conception: the possibility of voluntarism when choosing the works, the distance from cultural interests of the learners, a small stimulation, a tiny influence upon the receptibility. The article reminds of the affirmative conception of the cultural education which is however connected with other risks, especially with a lack of educational backgrounds and the values orientation.
The article makes out that the reconstruction of the cultural education asks for a more significant orientation on the learner’s subject and on its most appropeiate reason d’etre, that is to enable the pupil to make the culture a sphere of his or her own emancipation. Here the affirmative regards must be expoloited more expressively, though not one-sidedly. Above all, however, it is necessary to understand the pupil’s own activity in the sphere of the cultural education not as activistation for accepting the postulated processes but as individualized, broadly differenciated processes which accept the varieties of the cultural receptivity and the interpretation processes.
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