(CZ) Úsilí českého učitelstva o školskou reformu Pokusné školy 20. let
(EN) Czech teachers' efforts concerning school reform. Experimental schools of the 20s.
Autor / Author: Váňová, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pokusná škola, školská reforma, počáteční škola
Článek analyzuje jednu z forem reformního úsilí českého učitelstva v prvním desetiletí samostatného státu, tzv. pokusné školy. Charakterizuje jejich teoretická východiska, průběh a specifika jednotlivých pokusů včetně dobové kritiky. Je pojat jako podnět k současným úvahám o reformě vnitřní práce školy.
Early after the rise of the Czechoslovak Republic (1918) a number of experimental schools were founded which tried to verify the home modification of reform education - al principles formulated at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. They proceeded from Dewey, Key, Tolstoj, as for home theoreticians expecially from J. Úlehla. It was the major aim of those reforms to examine a free, working school, paying extraordinary attention to the aesthetical education. The intentions and goals of those experiments were, however, influenced also by the war experience. That is why also social education, physical training as well as moral education and health education were in the centre of attention.
The founders of those experimental schools were basic and council school teachers. (Úlehla, B. Hrejsová, J. Sulík, F. Bakule, A. Bartoš, F. Krch, L. Švarc, L. Havránek, E. Štorch, F. Mužík, F. Náprstek, J. Sedlák, K. Žitný and others).
The experiments were mostly undertaken at experimental schools. Though all of them proceeded from the same theretical starting points they were all unique which was given both by theier founder's personalities and by the character of the educated population.
Experimental schools proved great bearing capacity of reform the education principles [respect for a child in the educational process] at the same time, however, of onesidedness the starting of thesis the pedocentric education: orientation on the child as the only starting point of education and instruction and persuaded about the necessity to respect also the social view of education. The conclusions concerning methodology of a school reform are precious too. They have namely proved that in a school reform not only the worlds’ reform tendencies but also the home conditions and traditions are to be respected.
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