(CZ) Autonomie dítěte (Vývojově psychologické úvahy k "nové" elementární pedagogice)
(EN) The child's autonomy (educational and psychological reflextions concerning the "new" elementary education)
Autor / Author: Bittner, G.
Klíčová slova / Key words: mateřská škola, pedagogika dítěte v předškolním věku
Po stopadesáti letech se znovu zdůrazňuje názor F. Fröbela na mateřskou školu, která by byla práva "čistému" dětství. Se zaměřením na tento cíl se potupně prezentují a hodnotí názory W. Sterna, M. Montessoriové, J. Korczaka, D. W. Winnicotta. Následuje pokus o integraci názorů těchto autorů jako základu skutečné pedagogiky malého dítěte.
The 150th anniversary of F. Fröbel's appeal to found a "children's orchard' schould be a stimulation for the defence of an attitude which was, it must be admitted, proclaimed "a child's myth", but in reality it asked for a full admittance of the children's right to be independent and autonomous beings from the very beginning, beings who are active bearers of their "inner destiny", personalities. Ideas of four leading personalities of the "reform child's education" are presented to justify such a procedure. A child is a being that adapts an attitude to the world and actively compounds with it (Stern), that is a bearer of his or her "inner destiny", and follows in uncounsciously (Montessori), a being that wants to say his or her "Me" and is able to get to know something and wants something (Korczak) with a certain mystery of life and a piece of lack of justifying it. (Winnicot) Such a conception - differently from deterministic models of learning, getting to know and communication, should become the base of the rennaissance of a child's education.
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