(CZ) Otazníky předškolní výchovy (Několik úvah k filozofii, teorii a praxi výchovy v mateřské škole)
(EN) Pre-school education question-marks (Some reasoning on philosophy, theory and practice in the kindergarten)
Autor / Author: Opravilová, E.
Klíčová slova / Key words: cíl výchovy, předškolní výchovy, institucionální výchovy, dětství, pojetí dítěte, rodina, mateřská škola
Stať uvádí přehled cílů předškolní výchovy spolu s hodnocením předností a úskalí sociocentricky, pedocentricky a konvergentně orientovaných směrů. V kontextu historického i současného pojelí dítěte rozebírá aktuální cíle předškolní výchovy z hlediska vzlahu mezi rodinou a institucionální výchovou a zdůvodňuje teoretická východiska modelu mateřské školy budoucnosti.
The sources of thinking about the pre-school child education are partly philosphical reflestions, and partly the practical need to cater for children when the care of the family is missed for most different reasons or if it fails. 1’his need leads to the origin of public institutional pre-school education in which the question of the goal and its reflexion in the educational strategies presents oneself in the foreground.
The goals of the pre-school education can be of three predominant directions: Sociocentric, which procseeds form the preference of the needs of the society, and the needs of the institution, pedocentric which are a follow-up of the Rousseau’s concept of the inner programmed succession of the child’s development, and convergent which makes efforts to overcome the voluntaristic social starting-points and the onesidedly psychological trend.
When determining the yoals of the to day’s institutional pre-school education it is necessary to take into account the elementary values constants of the childhood, the concept and position of the child in the world of today, and the needs connested with the child’s individuality. Only that way the institutional pre-school education rep resented by the contemporary kindergarten can ballancc the antitheses between the necessary measure of limitting an individual and the free development of his or her p e rsonality and the human unic character.
The kindergarten of the future should create a natural and inevitable compound of the whole educational system and be indep endant on the school system. Its e d u cational functioning should be comprehended as an open system reminding us of the family house ruled by the atmosphere of autonomy, competence and solidarity. This new kindergarten must, however, search after much more understanding the child as a developing personality, and far more realistically and modestly estimate what helps the child to live a happy and valuable life, all that together with his or her family.
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