(CZ) K metodologickým otázkám teorie výchovy
(EN) Methodological questions of the educational theory
Autor / Author: Kozel, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words: formování člověka, sociální výchova, nepřímé výchovné působení, kvality cílevědomosti výchovy, výchova k demokratickému soužití
Vědecká teorie výchovy potřebuje přesněji vymezit svůj předmět a změnit metodologická východiska výzkumu. Zdůrazňuje se význam sociální výchovy, jejíž metodou je hlavně nepřímé působení. Negativním jevům v chování mládeže lze předcházet výchovou k demokratickému soužití ve školách a v dalších institucích.
The theory of education is to get rid of insufficiencies it has suffered from so far: e. g. the overestomating of the role of the intellect as the learner’s behaviour regulator and undervaluating the significance of moral experience. The subject "theory of education" in its relation to the pedagogics has not been defined precisely.
New possibilities in education proceed form the scientific analysis of the man’s development. The fact that the man is being formed in interaction with his or her millieu has not been exploited enough. Fhe lines between a spontaneous forming of a man and his or her education are mobile and depend on the level of the purposefulness of education. As it seems the po.ssibilities of a purposeful education as a direct functioning have been exhausted while the po.ssibilities of and indirect functioning have not been investigated or fully evaluated yeat.
Throught indirect functioning a man canbe influened in a complex way: both in the whole of his or her pensobality and in the interaction with the millieu, e.specially the social millieu. A purposeful personality developing is being defined as education, his or her developing as a factor of interhuman relations is being defined as .social education. Differently from education which includes training the .social education is of a pregnantly moral character.
The major goal of the .social education for humanism at .school is the development of interhuman relations on the democratic base, hi this frame learners can acquire the required moral experience, h is possible to get such exprience easier at school than in the public life as there is no direct depandance on politics here.
At the time pre.sent the theory of the education should be involved in such experiments and theoretical investigations that would enable solving dififcult problems in the young people’s behaviour in a more successful way.
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