(CZ) Nezbytnost reflexe nad dítětem a dětstvím v proměnách naší doby
(EN) Necessity of the reflex of the child and childhood in transformation of our time
Autor / Author: Hradečná, M., Helus, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
1. The reflex of the child and childhood is a topical theme of psychology, pedagogy, sociology, history as well as philosophy, theology etc. This reflex has its own qualities. Through our relation to childern around us, of ours and in ourselves (often as a very urgent reminiscence of our childhood) we obtain a special quality of knowledge of ourselves. If the way of the confrontation of man with himself goes through the child and childhood, it often becomes shape, deep and sensible.
2. There is necessary to make clear, which faces are characteristic of the reflex of the child, which topics are confrontated into it. Here we can meet the child:
a) as our personal property, for that we make an effort above all childhood is our dear reminiscence, the child compensates our limits and failures by his own career,
b) as our distress to danger — the child endangers our career, takes our time, is disgrace to us, but also provokes our blind instincts of agresivity as well as of taking care, both are bad for the child, because they are blind, and that’s why bringing problems to us.
c) as hope and saving for the world - because the child has its own potencialities and is frail and we are called to be gentle and noble and to work on ourselves,
d) as a catastrophic destructive power of the world — the nature of the child is barbarous, the child is selfish and aggressive and, in special situation, the uncontrollable power of destruction,
e) the child is in danger, has ist desanvantage of the other adult citizens and has to be protected as well other suppressed minorities,
f) the child is the topic of a research,
g) the child is the incarnation of mystery — the birth and the death lead the life to transcendency and we can see vestiges of this on the child very clearly
3. Every of these sights at the child has its own causes and consequences, they are different only in their degree in a special situation and how much we are able to articulate them, they have their figures in a special literature and novels. Through them dark connections of human being become clearer. It is only way, on which the man becomes wiser, deeper and more sincere to himself.
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