(CZ) Kognitivní a metakognitivní strategie autoregulovaného učení
(EN) Cognitive and metacognitive strategies of self-regulating learning
Autor / Author: Hnilica, K.
Klíčová slova / Key words: autoregulované učení, kognitivní a metakognitivní strategie, orientace, elaborace, sumarizace textu
Součástí programů, určených k výuce umění učit se a regulovat vlastní učení, jsou programy nácviku kognitivních a metakognitivních strategií zpracovávání a osvojování textových informací. Ve studii jsou prezentovány strategie, kterě stojí v popředí zájmu soudobé odborné literatury.
Those strategies are usually indicated as cognitive whose exploiting results in a clash and coping with the subject-matter; the metacognitive strategies serve then to the reflexion and regulation of the knowledge and the process of getting to know, and thus also of the cognitive strategies.
In the article a survey of cognitive and metacognitive strategies of reading comprehension is presented. As the major cognitive strategies orientation in a text, memorization of information, identification of main ideas, summarization of the text, and the strategy of elaborating relations among previous knowledge, experience, the reader’s ideas and new information derived from the text are introduced. As the main metacognitive strategies the followning are introduced: generating questions, monitoring comprehending a read text, and the strategy serving the remediation of eventual problems of the comprehending of a text. In the conclusion of the study leaned on literary explorations of facts some important reasons of non-exploiting those strategies under the school conditions are introduced, as well as perspectives of their further exploitation for the sake of the pupils’ self-regulation or for the authors of the teaching texts when they draw a frame for new materials.
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