(CZ) Zřetel k autoregulaci jako složka osobnostního přístupu k žákům
(EN) The view of the self-regulation as a compound of the personality attitude towards the pupils
Autor / Author: Helus, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The study issues from the thesis that the present social context requires the approach to the learner as a developing personality always more urgently. It is a serious task of the educational practice, which takes It for granted that a number of theoretical and methodological problems must be made clear. From the psychological and educational points of view the concept, the catching up and developing the self-regulating activity of the pupils are most important here.
The problem of the personality self-regulation is elaborated into three thematical areas; into the area of interpretation of "1" as the central factor of the self-regulation, into the area of evaluating as the source of the self-regulating self-evaluation, in the area of the metacognitive selfregulation as a significant factor ot fhe study progress of a pupil.
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