(CZ) Dilemata socialistické výchovy ve světle společensko-ekonomické přestavby a vědeckotechnické revoluce
(EN) Dilemas in the socialist education in the light of the socially economic perestrojka, and the scientific and technical revolution
Autor / Author: Cipro, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author proceeds from the tasks of the socially economic perestrojka in the light of which he examines the relation of education and the scientifically technical revolution. Besides the economic factors he emphasizes an urgent need of increasing the effectivity of the educational factor. The matter is that the educational process should not be solely and passively adapted to the requirements of the scientifically technological revolution, but that it should also influence the revolution itself in an active way so that an always more perfect technology might serve the always more consequently humane goals of the society development. That is why the naturally technological and the humane aspects should be harnionized in the most optimal way.
The character of the school development has often been dilemmatic. In solving its problems contradictionary views, such as quanti ty and qual ity, theory a n d practice, incgration and différenciation, formality and materiality, generalities and vocationality, authority and freedom, usefulness and aesthetics etc, have often fought with one another. As for the historical perspective we can see that in these questions extremes have often appeared; these should be avoided in the contemporary school.
The dialectical approach can be characterized here by means of some actual examples from the field of the use of the audio-vizual technique, the organization of a collective, and the differenciated teaching as well as of the regime of the work at universities and other schools of university level.
The document concerning the Czechoslovak educational system from the year 1976 provides in its principles a sufficient space for a further enhancing of our schools in the spirit of the stimulation given by the XXVIIth Congress of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Those stimuli, through their emphasis on the significance of the humane factor for the further advance of the socialist society, open a new perspective in education and the pedagogical sciences; thus, their social responsibility is being increased.
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