(CZ) Vyučování - základní institucionální forma výchovy
(EN) The teaching, the basic institutional form of education
Autor / Author: Sýkora, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
It was shown on the example of inquiring into educational aspects of the teaching the educational character of the teaching-or more precisely: the teaching as a partial institutional form of education that the so called structurally systematic methodological approach to the inquiring into education, its aspects and partial phenomena will apparently require qualitatively new standpoints and partial phenomena will apparently require qualitatively new standpoints and theoretical principles. One of the results of the study is the information that it will not be evidently possible to apply the choice aditive model of the „teaching system“ in which firstably the „elements" of the system are deducted, and only then the system itself is constructed. Neither the connection among its manifestations and the substance of the system can be filed empirically nor is it direct. When considering the „educationality“ of the teaching we have found that there is a connection between the complexity of the teaching as a system and the complexity of corresponding formative aspects.
Even if it is possible to search after the „educationality“ of partial and abstract aspects of the teaching that have been analyzed, say the educationality of the teacher’s activities or the educationality of the textbook, the carrier of the educational effects of the teaching is its complexity, its unity (and diversity) of various aspects, qualities, eventually also elements of the teaching. With the support of ]. Skaikovâ’s works we have shown that on the base of the change of the initial methodological position it is possible to refuse the parallelistic theoretical conceptions of formative and instructional effects of the teaching.
All elements and qualities of the teaching which are noted for the potencionality to make themselves personal energies, capabilities, and other learners’ qualities, have a formative value. The „educational“ and „instructional“ effects of the teaching can be separated and passed judgements on only in some abstract simplifications. In fact, however, they always exist together, as a summary of formative results of the teaching. This total formative effect of all the partial forms of education, which have influenced a human individual during his or her life, can be called the „education.“ (In our country already J. Váňa and some others.)
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