(CZ) K otázce zjišťování a hodnocení světonázorových kvalit středoškoláka
(EN) To the question of investigation and evaluation of a secondary student's Weltanschaung qualities
Autor / Author: Vališová, A.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The problem of forming tiie adolescents’ Weltanschaung is one of actual questions of the contemporary education. The article informs about the results of a research dealing with the process of investigating and evaluating the secondary students’ Weltanschaung qualities. The study of literature and the given theoretical starting points have become the foundations for the designation of a model for the secondary students’ Weltanschaung qualities determining the whole strategy of the research and the choice of the complex of the research methods.
The methodological significance of the research investigation especially consists of applying a complex approach to the inquiring into the Weltanschaung qualities, its contribution being in the following plans:
1. The research has brought stimulations for a further theoretical enlightening of the problems of investigating and evaluating the Weltanschaung qualities.
2. It has enriched the methodology of the inquiring into the given problems in the area of knowledge and provided new experience in the field of the methods applied here.
3. It has brought concrete findings about the level of the Weltanschaung qualities of the students in the first and fourth forms of the selected secondary schools.
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