(CZ) K některým aktuálním úkolům vědeckého ateismu a vědeckoateistické výchovy
(EN) To some actual tasks of the scientific atheism and the scientifically atheistic education
Autor / Author: Škramovská, S.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In the present paper the relation of the scientific-atheistic education to the scientific atheismus as a social science, both dealing with various concepts of clerical politics and religious propaganda, is characterized from the point of view of the evolution of them both in the period of the present-day désintégration of the traditional religiousness in conditions of the scientific-technological revolution. The results of the research show that the residues of religiousness do survive till today. At these residues of religiousness constituting a potentional reserve for the regeneration of religiosity the to-day’s religious propaganda is directed which has modernized its methods and has assumed a many-sided character as the result of the désintégration of the traditional system of churches. The only way how to face this propaganda is to build-up an equally many-sided positive programme of integrated self-consistent atheistic world-outlook education, the aim of which is a deep fixation of the scientific world-outlook based on scientific atheism in all strata of the socialist society, especially starting with the youngest generations.
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