(CZ) Praxe v procesu výchovy učitelů
(EN) The practice in the process of the teachers' training
Autor / Author: Kolář, Z., Zimová, I.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The problem of the practice in the frame of the teachers’ training cannot be conceived as a problem of the practice itself, of its content, organization, methods and management, but above all as a question of the relation of theory and practice in a teacher’s preparation. On the basis of an analysis of the relation mentioned here the basic principles are formulated, those principles being the supposed methodological starting-points of the solvation of the concrete question of the share of the practice in the future teachers’ education. Here the following principles are the question: The principle of unity of the future teachers’practice and their theoretical preparation and in the whole system of a teacher’s work (the practice being conceived as the goal category in the training) and the principle of unity of all types of the practice (the professional, social- political, educational and teaching types of practice).
If proceeding from those principles, it is necessary to refluse a rather often question whether there is too much or too little practice in the teacher’s preparation. Such a question is not adequatly formulated, as, when drafting all those kinds of practice, it is necessary to be aimed at the solving of the problems of functions of those individual types and stages of those practices, of their contents, the system of students’ activities during their practice, the rising demands and complexity of those activities. Only after all those problems and elementary questions of the structure of individual types and stages of the practice are solved, it will be possible to formulate questions of organizational character, it will be possible to formulate questions of organizational character, such as e. g. the extent, forms of realization, the timing of the practice etc. that concept. That is why a new conception was accepted when elaborating the project of the educational criteria for the grammar school. The project proceeds from the goal of pedagogical influencing the pupils, this goal being the forming of the pupils’ values relations to the reality. The starting-point of the evaluations is then a complete following of how the learners manifest themselves through their activities and what their relations to individual compounds if the reality is.
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