(CZ) Výchova mimo vyučování na střední škole (Stav a perspektivy dalšího vývoje)
(EN) Extraclass Education at Secondary School (Current State and Prospects of Further Development)
Autor / Author: Tomková, A.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In connection with promoting the significance of secondary school in educating the youth, it is the concern of pedagogical theory and practice to draw up a new system of extraclass education, too. The present paper describes extraclass education organized by the school. The author deals with the present-day state, conditions and prospects of further development of extraclass education at secondary schools.
Extraclass education at secondary school, following up the educational work of elementary school, has its specific goals, tasks, content, methods and forms of work. It helps to fulfil the tasks of individual components of communist education necessary. The condition is having well-considered extraclass education plans whose creation and implementation also involves active participation of pupils and members of the Socialist Youth Organization. The content of extraclass education consists of various forms of activities (of a predominantly creative character) which serve to satisfy and develop pupils’ interests, to prepare them for classes, to promote active recreation and participation in socially useful work The forms of work used in extraclass education include mass, group as well as individual forms. Libraries and study-rooms for pupils to promote their creative and independent work should be an integral part of each secondary school.
The standard of extraclass education depends mostly on people, i. e. educational workers and pupils. They cooperate with other educational institutions and organizations. Gradual solution of problems in extraclass education at secondary schools is one of the conditions of further development of our socialist society.
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