(CZ) Vztah mezi rozvojem společenské výroby a vzděláním za kapitalismu
(EN) The Relation Between the Development of Social Production and Education
Autor / Author: Tichá, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The paper concerns the relation between the development of social production and education. The first part of the paper deals with the development of this relation; the second part evaluates the relation in advanced capitalist countries after World War II. The changes in the sphere of social production which were put through under the influence of the scientific-technical revolution in developed capitalist countries, the changing demands for the labour-power qualification and for the education of the inhabitants and the role of the state in the development of education are critically evaluated.
At the end of the article the author underlines that the relations between the development of social productions and education have always been very complicated, they have existed in different forms and different levels of intensity during all the period of existing society and they have become closer and multilateral in the course of development of social production. It’s stressed that with the start of scientific-technical revolution the theoretical education has acquired remarkable importance and begins to fulfil new economic goals as one of the active factors of economic development.
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