(CZ) K otázce vlivu VŘSR na českou pedagogiku a české učitelstvo
(EN) To the problem of the influence of the Great October Revolution on the Czech pedagogical science and Czech teachers
Autor / Author: Rýdl, K.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In the article devoted to the 70th anniversary of the G reat October Revolution the author aims at elucidating its influence on Czech teachers and penetrating of its revolutionary ideas into the development of Czech education. The boom of the progressive teachers’ movement for a better school system and a more progressive educational content of training and education from the end of the second decade of the 20th century was evokated not only by the possibility of free work in the independent republic but especially by international revolutionary influences among which the most significant influence came from Russia after the year 1917. To a certain measure Czech communist teachers were also influenced by the German communist’s activities during the Weimar Republic.
Further on the author shows how revolutionary ideas penetrated among Czech teachers belonging to legions or the Red Army and how these teachers later influenced citizens of the CSR by their opinions and their behaviour. The influence of the G reat October Revolution manifested itself also in the practical experimental movement of enthusiastic Czech teachers. The most important experiment was the Free Socialist School of Work at Kladno, founded in 1919.
The majority of communist teachers tried to help with their own knowledge of the Soviet pedagogics, and to contribute to the formulation of the contents of the educational programme of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. These teachers also started to put through, though at that time without real theoretical maturity, the elementary principles of the thinking in the Czechoslovak Republic: In this way they disturbed the hegemony of the bourgeoisie of that time, the consequence of this having been that the bourgeoisie had to face an increasing pressure of the socialist (that is proletarian) pedagogics through efforts to make their own school system more effective thanks to a number of partial adaptations and reform in favour of the socially weaker strata.
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