(CZ) 40 let jednotných škol v Československu
(EN) Fourty Years of the Unified School System in Czechoslovakia
Autor / Author: Opata, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In 1945 Communist teachers and their progressive-minded colleagues tried to follow up the pre-war development and in this context they set up „revolutionary uniform all-in junior secondary schools“ in Prague-Sporilov, in Písek and in Duchcov.
A significant role was played by Zdeněk Nejedlý, who held the office of Minister of Education and Culture, by Ladislav Koubek, who was a leading trade union official, by Václav Jaroš and others. The all-in revolutionary school at Prague-Spořilov is linked with the name of Ladislav Muchka, the one at Písek with the names of Václav Ambrož and Adolf Čondl, the one at Duchcov with the name of Václav Mejstřík.
The content of educational work at revolutionary all-in schools was influenced by experiences and conceptions discussed at the School of Higher Pedagogical Studies in Prague and based on the fundamental principles of Marxist-Leninist pedagogy. A significant part of the schools’ character building work was the work of the pupils’ self-government, which drew on the experience of the Soviet school represented by Anton Semyonovitch Makarenko. Socially useful work including productive work was essential in the educational process.
Of historic significance in this context was a decree by which in the school year 1945/46 the Ministry of Education allowed the first classes of Secondary Modern and Grammar Schools to be organized in a uniform way as first classes of all-in junior secondary schools (high schools). In the Czech lands this decree gave rise to about 300 first classes of the future all-in schools established mostly in the Secondary Modern Schools and attended by almost ten thousand pupils.
The radical start on the road to constructing the all-in school was, however, put a stop to by the appointment of Dr Jar. Stránský to the office of the Minister of Education, and so it was only the events of 1948 that allowed the completion of this historic task.
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