(CZ) K vývoji marxisticko-leninské světonázorové výchovy v ČSSR
(EN) To the Development of Marx-Leninist World Outlook Education in the C. S. S. R.
Autor / Author: Semrád, J., Franclová, D.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The essay is directed to the development of the world-outlook education in the C. S. S. R. as it has developed in conection with reorganization of the whole education system and in the context of development of Marxist pedagogy.
The authors show the role played by the world-outlook education in the whole historic process of development of communist education. They try to trace several development phases the world-outlook education has gone through and overcoming which it has achieved higher quality standard.
In the first phase of constitution of pedagogic theory and practice of the world-outlook education (up to the late fifties) the world-outlook education was concepted as atheistic and political and ideological. The subject of it was aimed firstly at paralysation of the influence of religion upon youth and breaking down religious dogmas.
The second phase of development (up to the late sixties) is characterized by further positive efforts for forming scientific world-outlook, the problemacy being enriched by new aspects, e. g. the approach from the point of view of a personality is emphasized etc. The crisis period of 1968-69 hit the sphere of the world-outlook education intensively as well, separating ideological and scientific elements was a dangerous phenomenon first of all.
The last development phase may be delimited in time by the XlVth Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakiaand the present day. It may be characterized as the phase in which the theory of the world-outlook education began to develop more remarkably as a relatively independent sphere of pedagogic theory and in which the w orld-outlook education is taken for the central constituent of the communist education system. At present the theoretical analysis is concentrated on the questions of developm ent of the world-outlook education in the dialectic unity of the sences of society and personality, on realization of the world-outlook education in the unity, of the rational, em otional and actional and volitial parts, on realization of the world-outlook education in all the fundamental functions, i. e. the functions of regulation, integration and syntetization.
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