(CZ) K otázce formování vědeckého světového názoru adolescentů
(EN) On the Question of Formation of Scientific World Outlook in Adolescents
Autor / Author: Vališová, A.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The period of adolescence offers favourable conditions for the formation of world outlook as the scientific world outlook in consequence of the development of mental processes (cognitive, emotional and volitional) and the emergence of personality traits. The scientific world outlook, too, is being gradually formed together with the formation of personality to act henceforward as an inner source of counscious self-control, self-regulation of one’s personality. Young people in this age group attain not only the necessary level of intellectual, moral and mental maturity, but at the same time they also acquire a great amount of experience in all spheres of life.
The article points out certain specific prerequisites of adolescents for the formation of the scientific world outlook in connection with the main components of the individual world outlook from the psychological viewpoint which include cognitive, axiological, emotional and conative activities of the personality. Under the influence of stimuli from the natural, social and cultural environments these activities help to create an individual manner of realizing the world outlook activity in practical everyday life and social life of a young person. The study goes on to analyse the basic characteristic features of an adolescent’s personality influencing the formation of the adolescent’s world outlook. In conclusion, there is a summary of the principal causes of a qualitative leap and changes in the development of the scientific world outlook in the period of adolescence; there is also brief information on the causes of problems arising in the process of the youth’s world outlook formation.
The process of the scientific world outlook formation is far from being completed in adolescence but definite prerequisites for the development of one’s own world outlook do take shape in adolescence and so does its basic function and form. Therefore, an analysis of the adolescence period from the viewpoint of the individual’s ontogenetic development plays a significant part in explaining specific prerequisites for the formation of one’s world outlook as a scientific world outlook.
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